"Dear Peter,
Just a note to express appreciation for providing me with a new car!
Th eDaytona has always been a joy to drive in staright lines.But for teh last ten years I have been slowing up to clunk amd judder around corners and to dreat T- junctions and roundabouts.Often it wa so bad I would check the mirror expecting to see the crown wheel and pinion bouncing down the road.In my naivety I assumed all old cars were like this.
On leaving your garage last night the difference was immediately apparent.It had a totally new feel and glided round corners even under acceration- a whole new experience for me.Even the steering felt lighter,perhaps because the rear wheels were behaving .I only wish you had done the "rear end" ages ago,but then I probably would have bent it by now.
Despite traffic ,I got home in the par time of three & half hours thanks to not having to slow up for the corners.
I think you can tell I am pleased with the car-so,many thanks once again for all your work and advice....."